alternative biog
What to say about myself? I am a visual artist and writer currently doing a PhD, although I prefer to say I am a researcher, it is easier, less pressure because half the time when people ask me: so what’s it about, I am tempted to say who the heck knows?! Doing this kind of degree is a wonderfully bewildering experience and most of the time it is impossible to give a straightforward answer. A friend once asked me: what’s your passion, and it took me a while to respond because I was thinking it needed to be a thing, like music or food, but my true passion is people. I am fascinated by the relational, how we communicate and connect – well and badly – and the impact our words and actions have on each other, especially our words. Two years into my research made me realise everything I have ever been interested in is all about the voice – the part of us we use to express out into the world what is going on inside. Other things I like: singing, especially collectively, no surprise there; reading, no surprise there either (books raised me and raise me still); and yoga (breathing consciously so often underrated).