
Window is a journal Maria Amidu started in January 2016, it is a repository for her random musings on significant and insignificant things

Window Window

....we're all in this together

....why has the nation become glaringly monocultural....why are some of us feeling even more invisible than we did before...when is this nonsense going to change...if not now then why (I really felt like swearing here but I think I've done enough of that today) 

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Window Window


so, the thing that keeps coming up for me in all this is how capable we are all supposed to be; this assumption that we are all regular folk with families, jobs, hobbies, gardens and ovens to bake bread in… what the hell have we been doing all this time… going about our business as if everything was fine… everything was not fine… being human for a lot of people is a struggle from start to finish; no-one plans that; shit happens, and it happens a lot, to a lot of people, everyfuckingday, coronavirus or no coronavirus rant over...

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