
Window is a journal Maria Amidu started in January 2016, it is a repository for her random musings on significant and insignificant things

Window Window

paying attention..., I don't normally care too much about these things but a friend said the other day that I should: that I need to own my off the cuff phrase "busybeingequal" before someone else claims it... so I'm paying attention and making it known (again here) that is was actually me who said it :-)I have bought some domain names and am registering it as a trademark, very grown up!(someone has snuck in a bought but I guess I shouldn't be too bothered because not having to use 'black' is the whole point of the bloody thing!)

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Window Window

#"busybeingequal" (MA)

deleting "the third question" (EJ) from our psyches, and "removing the need to ask for permission" (LGC) from the "mean" (S) - possibly/probably both definitions - of society

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Window Window

"name calling"

stop defining us, stop categorising us, stop pointing, stop calling us things, stop expecting us to call ourselves things, just stop othering us, why on earth do these distinctions need to be made in the first place - that, all that was the old paradigm and we all knew it was bullshit then

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Window Window

word collecting

all this is not an agenda item for you to attach words to in a meeting, this is people's actual lived experiences"life went for the jugular"

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Window Window


dismantling has to be the new paradigm - the attitude, the system and the historical stuff that is still lingering in people’s psyches the world over; the words, sentences, statements we make and currently use can no longer apply, we need new words and new psyches to eradicate this dehumanising living horror show


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Window Window


...the race place, no one wants to be in that place and no one should be shunted there either; the unrelenting refrain: "you there black woman you do not matter and you do not belong here." (and as I've said before it's not just the out and proud racists who are doing the pointing, racist actions are on a spectrum: 1 = casual, 100 = murderers). I am exhausted

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Window Window

and again!

“I can’t be a pessimist because I’m alive, to be a pessimist means that you’ve agreed that human life is an academic matter, so I’m forced to be an optimist…” The inimitable James Baldwin

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