
June 2023

The world is organised like this: there are people who are seen, who are allowed to speak up and who are usually heard. Then there are people who are also allowed to speak but do not and if they do often go unheard and unseen. episode(s) is a series of letters of sorts, containing the words of people who gave themselves permission to speak at me about my life and in doing so silenced me. I heard their words as did they but my words in response were uttered in my head after the fact, sometimes over and over. These 'letters' hold their voices and mine repeatedly compressed together in an attempt to be in conversation. Each person viewing or walking past the work unavoidably activates its disintegration as words crumbled, fall to the floor and get trodden underfoot.


Podcast: Breaks & Joins


Who speaks? Who listens? by Martina Margetts